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SELLING: LGD4033 Muscle Building SARM

PRICE: 38.99 (90 x 5mg capsules)

WHERE: London UK


Ripped Labz LGD-4033


LGD has shown the most ability to put on size that could be considered a bulk. This will, of course, be dependent upon the diet used. Users that have experienced more than 10lb. increases, and have had a significant increase in calorie intake. The possibility of this type of size is present with LGD use. A recommend dosage for this type of goal would be 5-10 mg day for 8 weeks.

Side Effects

Through studies and logs, the side effects from LGD have so far shown to be minimal. The suppression shown has been dose dependent, but there has been a decrease in total and free testosterone as well as SHBG. Theseinteresting findings have show NO significant decrease in LH or FSH. This is very encouraging to users as it shows that while suppressive, recovery will still not be near as long as with anabolics. LGD is non toxic and side effects have been mild to minimal. It has not shown increases in estradiol ,but, as with anything, an aromatase inhibitor should be kept on hand.

A full pct, as opposed to a mini pct is recommended after a cycle of LGD. While it may not be quite as suppressive as anabolics, the suppression is much higher than other similar products, thus, requiring a full PCT.

LGD-4033 Summary

Effects similar to anabolics with size andstrength
Minimal Side Effects
Excellent for recomping
Healing properties
Prevents muscle wasting
Works well as a stand alone or stacked with other products like GW501516 Cardarine and S4 Andarine
Great results in every aspect for different types of goals
Half life of 24-36 hours
Research chemicals not for human consumption

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Posted by Tim

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Posted 9 years ago
